Bhaagon Waali 14th April 2011 Written Update

The mamas and mamis are meeting outside the house to discuss, Guddu Shukla and Runjhun Shukla’s marital night. They don’t know why Guddu Shukla is still in their house. Vishnu says that he said he would leave within a month, but Billo and the rest think that Guddu is trying to fool them. Especially since he’s getting used to the comforts and riches of the Pandey Nivaas. Rajju says that they’ve already begin to see the downfall in the perfume business and the other two brothers have also been experiencing loss in their business. Rajju says that if this continues, he will be run out of business, which makes the other two brothers and their wives happy but he adds that they will have the same fate too and their smiles are quickly lost (no loyalty here)

[CRYPT]Runjhun wonders how she can be in the same room as Guddu when she knows that this marriage is nothing but a joke to him. The only reason he’s here is to make sure she loses her 30-day challenge. If after thirty days Guddu leaves her and goes, then tonight will be the blackest night of her life. Amma comes and asks Runjhun why she hasn’t dressed yet. She gets Runjhun dressed and tells Runjhun that if her own mother was here then she would have explained everything to Runjhun. She tells Runjhun that after tonight a wife and husband will become one soul. She says that if Runjhun wants to ensure that Guddu walks with her through life, and shares his life with her, she has to let him in her life. She can’t keep him at a distance and expect him to share one life with her. She says once a husband and wife are able to share every aspect of their life, then they can remain happy. [/CRYPT]

Runjhun thinks that she understand her Amma but her situation isn’t such and she can’t really tell the truth to anyone about what her relationship with Guddu truly is. She prays for strength to get through this.

Guddu walks into his room and says that the room is decorated very nicely. Flowers and jasmine. He says he will have fun tonight. The room almost looks like Neelu’s. (I think Neelu might be a bar dancer or a prostitute, which makes sense, rather than an ex) He says that Runjhun Shukla was trying to improve him but she doesn’t know that he’s completely rotten. He’s too bad to be changed. He wonders how Runjhun will perform her wifely duties. He says that either way for her is her trap. “Ek taraf kua, to dusri taraf khai”. He smiles.

The mamas and mamis are in shock. Rajju says that if this goes then he will be on the streets selling his flower and Mittho from his shoulder will call the customers. Mittho tells him why is he making them street side vendors. They all ponder on their fates, but Kalsanwali comes and says that she mixed sleeping powder in the kesar milk that Runjhun will take so Guddu will drink and faint. They celebrate and cheer, till Billo points out what if Guddu doesn’t drink the milk. They go back to being depressed.

Runjhun hesitates at every step as Amma takes her to Guddu’s room. She asks Amma how she can stay with Guddu. She tells Amma that she is worried and her heart feels like its not right. Amma says that this is common. She says Runjhun’s apprehension is normal, but today Runjhun is taking the first step into her new life. Runjhun hesitates and Amma consoles. At the doorstep Runjhun looks at Amma and Amma ushers her in and closes the door behind Runjhun.

Runjhun looks around. As flowers fall from the top, she covers the glass in her hand. Guddu calls out to her, and Runjhun searches the room to see him. Guddu walks up behind Runjhun and whispers her name, making Runjhun jump. He whispers that he was waiting for her for a long time, she took her time coming. He tells her that his heart was pacing in anticipation. Runjhun closes her eyes.

Guddu thinks that he knows that Runjhun isn’t ready. He knows Runjhun isn’t ready for all of this but he is going to pretend that he is. He says every no, he will say yes, and the more she gets scared the more he will scare her forcing her to run on her own. When she runs he will place the condition that if she doesn’t want to spend the night with him, then she has to take her challenge back, and admit her defeat. He says no one has one against him, and no one will yet. He is confident Runjhun will admit defeat.

He places his hands around her shoulders and gently tells her that they can sit comfortably. Runjhun remembers the time he touched her in the carrom club. The way he threatened her. Guddu takes her to the bed, and makes her sit. He asks her if she is worried. He tells her that she shouldn’t be worried as they are husband and wife and he is performing the duties as a husband for Amma’s happiness.

Precap: Guddu pulls Runjhun’s pallo away, and takes off her jewelry before laying her down. He looks angry as Runjhun closes her eyes and waits scared. (Just a feeling that he will stop because Runjhun doesn’t seem to be protesting, and as for the milk I think he will drink that after he stops. He’s trying to scare her, but he’s doing it really gently.)


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