The episode starts with Runjhun and Mahadevi walking through the doors of Pandey Niwas. The 3 Mamis are working in their kitchen. Mittho walks over and starts with her verbal abuse asking where they were gone so early in the morning. Kalsanwali joins in and starts with her physical threats of hurting Runjhun and pulls her by her arm. Billo joins the other 2 with the same kind of threats. Runjhun’s both arms are pulled by Kalsanwali and Billo, with both giving her a long list of chores to do. Mittho stands there and rolls her eyes. The 2 Mamis start to bicker over whose work takes priority. Mittho, feeling left out, joins the duo with her list and threatens to withhold food and water until Runjhun finishes her chores. She pushes Runjhun out of the way to get...